With a mixed feeling, i decided to write this topic in English. I really need to write something in English more often so that it wont get worst and worst @@
Besides she always want me to write something in English, fine!i try my best ok?I cant guarantee it will be funny, but what can u do?muahahaha
As title, can u predict what Im gonna write?I think its pretty easy right?ahaha yeah, this idea had been in my mind for some times, and i do hope that some day i gonna write a thesis on this topic.(JK!)
Miss call, or missed call?
miss call, is when u call someone, and hang it off before that person pick it up.
missed call, is when someone called u, but u dint notice about it, and missed it.
It was form 4 or form 5 if not mistaken. That was the age when our generation started to own a handphone, or started to wish for a handphone. At that time, its quite a shame if you dont own a handphone, you wont have any friends, you would be boicot, and get chase by dogs on street!(JK!)
During that time, we were only in secondary school, of course we wont get a lot of pocket money right?So all of us try very hard to control usage of our credit very carefully, where we came to develop the usage of miss call =.="
Case 1
A sms B, A asked: are u coming to my party tonight?if yes, miss call 2 times!if no, miss call 1 time!
so B miss call A 1 time, easy?
Case 2
A sms B, A asked: what time is our tuition tomorrow?miss call me the time!
so guess how B miss call A the time?lets say 4pm, juz mis call 4 times right?
But what if 530pm?there is where the art of miss call go to the next level, where miss call is being upgraded became few types of it.
The simplest, how many tones it ring befor we hang it off.
1st is tones for 2 rounds, means, duuuuuuuuuu du, duuuuuuuuuuuuuuu du.
2nd is tones for 1 round, means duuuuuuuuu du,then off it already!
So for 530pm, B will miss call A for 5 long tones, and 1 short tone.get it?LOL wat a crap =.="
Case 3
There is a code for the miss call, though there are no uniform code for it, but i still remember one of my friend's code:
1 ms(miss call) - im boring,lets play miss call
2 ms - miss you
...etc etc
And for "I'm sorry!" , u had to miss call 10 times!According to her, by this amount only u could show ur sincerity!LMAO!
If to tel her "I Love You", i guess the code is miss call 520 times?omg~~
Of course, come to this age, for sure we wont be playing this kind of lame game anymore. Our phone are being use for more important purpose.
I feel that miss call is still an art, in different way.
For me, a missed call means i might had missed someone's call, but i wont take any action.
2 missed call would keep me alert for the next incoming call, by keep my handphone nearby.
3 missed call, then i would definitely holding tightly my phone, and press the answer button at the second it ring again!
4 missed call, then i will call back the contact already.
How bout 10 miss call?i fink, that time im in a big big trouble already!haha
p/s: handphone?dai kor dai?or mobile phone?which is the proper name?!